How to Contribute?

How to Contribute?

CheckVisaSlots is a collaborative platform to see & share US Visa slots availability screenshots with others. Irrespective of your contribution (uploading visa slot screenshots), you are allowed to use the site for 20 sessions a day, that displays latest screenshots of all locations in the country. With every contribution you get 20 more sessions that can be used for the next 24 hours. You get the best out of it when every one contributes and help each other.

Contribution is easy  Contributing is easy, the extension will do it for you.

Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Install the chrome extension
    1. USVisaScheduling -
    2. AIS US VIsa [Canada, Brazil et al] -
  2. Give your Access Code (received in the signup) in the extension
  3. Log in to the US Visa Portal from the browser you installed the extension.
  4. Navigate to schedule appointment on the visa portal
  5. That's all. Screenshot is captured by the Chrome Extension

Watch this video "How to contribute"

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